Vores "Rent a car service" hos J.O. Dreams kan være med til at gøre jeres ferie mere komfortabel. I vil have jeres egen bil og dermed kan I planlægge jeres dag som I ønsker og have den frihed en bil tilbyder.
Ønsker man at leje bil gennem J.O. Dreams, skal man være enten Home Service kunde eller ekstern kunde.
Er man Home Service kunde skal man, for at benytte alle J.O. Dreams services, logge ind med sit kundenummer samt adgangskode. Systemet vil guide dig igennem bestillings processen.
Hvis man ikke er Home Service kunde endnu men ønsker at benytte vores rent a car service, skal man oprette sig som ekstern kunde via følgende link:
Vi vil herefter sende dig en bekræftelse på mail som du ligeledes skal bruge når du logger ind på vores hjemmeside og bestiller rent a car service.
Hvis du undervejs skulle få nogle problemer med at bestille er du naturligvis velkommen til at kontakte os.
Grundet de store kurs udfordringer i Tyrkiet på nuværende tidspunkt, vil prisen for din ordre blive kalkuleret i henhold til valutakurserne som offentliggøres den dag I modtager bilen.
Mange tak fordi du vælger at benytte J.O. Dreams services.
Our "Rent a car service" at J.O. Dreams can make your holiday easier, you will have your own car available and you can plan your day like you wish while you discover the freedom of having a car during your holiday.
If you wish to rent a car through J.O. Dreams, you have to be a Home Service customer or and external customer.
If you are a Home Service customer you have to use your costumer number and password for LOG IN to use all J.O. Dreams services. The system will guide you through the order process.
If you are not a Home Service customer but wish to use our Rent a Car Service, you will have to sign up through the following link.
We will send you a confirmation mail at your e-mail including a username and a password that you will have to use when you LOG IN and order a rental car at our web page.
Due to the big exchange challenges in Turkey at this time, the price of your order will be calculated according to the exchange rates published on the day you receive the car.
If you have any problems during the process, you are welcome to contact us.